Frank Deford’s commentary “Need for Speed Brings Tragedy at the Derby,” on the death of Eight Belles, is worth a listen (or read), as are his thoughts on the Derby as a sporting event (“What’s Wrong with the Kentucky Derby?”).

Known for his intelligent, often witty, and always thought provoking writing, DeFord is senior contributing editor for Sports Illustrated, and has six times been voted Sports Writer of the year by his peers. He has been associated with Sports Illustrated since 1962 and he is a weekly commentator on National Public Radio (

Deford’s commentary on Eight Belles was aired on Wednesday, May 7. His commentary on the Kentucky Derby, aired on Wednesday, April 30, points out, among other things, the dominance of Native Dancer in modern Thoroughbred pedigrees.

The subject of Native Dancer, including the fact that all 20 of 2008 Kentucky Derby contenders are descendents of the gray stallion, was also addressed in a feature article, “Racing’s Royal Bloodline” in the Wall Street Journal on May 2, 2008. Click on the link and go to to see a video about Native Dancer, plus an interactive graphic on the bloodlines of Derby contenders.